Is this your first grant application with TOF? Yes
No - I'm reapplying
Date of This Application [mm/dd/yyyy]:
Grant Recipient's Full Name:
Grant Recipient's Full Address [Street Address (including any apartment number), City, State, Zip Code]:
Grant Recipient's Telephone Number [Please use this format: (XXX) XXX-XXXX]:
Grant Recipient's EMail Address For Notifications [if available]:
Is the Grant Recipient a United States Citizen?
Grant Recipient's Total Family Income [Income from salaries, interests, dividends, investments, and rentals]:
What is your Occupation?
To which of the following resources has the grant recipient applied? Home Equity Loan
Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)
401(k) Loan
Insurance Loan
Personal Loan
Family Loan
How much money have your already spent on this adoption?
What is the amount that you are requesting? [NOTE: Current funding limits our grants to $500 per child, and the child has to be in an institution, whether domestically or internationally. Unborn children, as in the case of a birthmother arranged adoption, surrogate adoptions, step-family type adoptions and similar adoptions are not eligible for grants, as our foundation is solely focused on rescuing orphans out of institutions.]:
What is the status of your homestudy? [Note: We are only able to accept applications from families that have completed their homestudy.]
If your homestudy is not yet completed, when do you expect to complete it?
Is this a Domestic or International Adoption?
If this is an international adoption, from which country?
Are there any special medical or other needs that have to be considered?
For what purpose(s) will this grant be used?
What actions are still pending for your adoption to be approved?
Expected date that you will adopt? [Please indicate if adoption is already complete]:
How many children will you be adopting?
What is the age of the first child?
What is the age of the second child to be adopted, if applicable?
What is the sex of the first child?
What is the sex of the second child, if applicable:
Is this your first adoption?
Is the child being adopted a brother or sister of a child you have already adopted?
How many other children do you have at home?
Are there any other special circumstances that you think would be pertinent to The Orphan Foundation's approval of this grant:
Grant Recipient's Adoption Agency and Address:
Is you adoption agency a licensed, nonprofit adoption agency, with 501(c)(3) status?
Grant Recipient's Contact Person at the Adoption Agency:
Telephone Number of Grant Recipient's Contact Person at the Adoption Agency:
Adoption Agency Contact's EMail Address (if available):
How would you like to be notified of the status of your grant?
Grant recipient verifies that they understand that the grant will be made through their 501(c)(3), nonprofit and properly licensed adoption agency:
Special Consideration for why the grant monies should be given directly to Grant Applicant [Fill out only if required by your answer to verification above]:
How did you hear about The Orphan Foundation?
May we use your family for publicity for The Orphan Foundation and its programs to help adopting families?
Are you interested in becoming a volunteer for The Orphan Foundation?
Would you be able to adopt without this grant from The Orphan Foundation? Yes
I certify that the information provided in this grant application is true. Yes